Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday America

My birthday came first the good ole 25th. Last Sunday was Reed’s birthday, Tuesday was my Dad's birthday, then earlier this month was Paula’s (the bestest SIL in the world.) I won't say how old she'll be as she's likely to reach over and smack me if I do. ;) Its going to be a great year. We should have a great big party. Maybe once our house gets down we will have big party for all the birthdays this month.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guess What

Tay lor had cereal on Sunday. He seemed excited to have something different than the boobie. My little boy is just cute.

Of course Add had to help feed him, she did very good. He kinda liked her feeding him better than myself. Isn't Add's curls just fancy.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Little Behind

Add loves to read.....her "gram" and her make trips to library during the week to get new books.
How many fists can he get into his mouth???
Our "new" house as Add calls it is coming along.
Add & her gasses!