I think he is over me.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
She has opinons. She can do things without me or her daddy. She can count to elevan. She has manners thank you is her fav. She is daddy's little girl along with papas big girl. Her most favorite thing in the world is her passy (which she should not have at 2 years old).
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Made an effort
So I made a effort to take some photos of my two lovely kids for fathers day. Addison seemingly was in a great mood when we started. Taylor was in a good mood. So it seemed like it would be a grand oppurtunity to break out the camera. Well lets just say I didn't get exactly what I wanted. I did get a couple good ones none to hang up on the wall though.
Ended with tears.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
10 On Tuesday
10 on Tuesday........
1. We currently have no a/c at home. The pic below is from Sunday morning.
1. We currently have no a/c at home. The pic below is from Sunday morning.
2. Our lives feel like total chaos right now. Maybe it's the fact that summer is here and that means more time outside, more go, go, go. Maybe its the fact I taken three classes this summer. Maybe its the fact that we are building a new house or that I went back to work after maternity leave. Or maybe its just the combination.
3. Two more days til I am at home with my babies.
4. My niece Mackenzie graduated 5th grade last night (outside in 95 degree weather). Just seems like yesterday we were watching rugrats on nick when she was a baby.
6. Must take photos this fathers day of the babies with their dad.
7. I want a new car something besides a van or jeep. I want a small car, the van seems to mommyish which I am I guess. But I am only 24 getting ready to turn 25 in less than a month so I think I want a hybrid car.
8. I dreamed about washing clothes last night. It must be because we are currently staying at my in-laws until our a/c is replaced, and I was thinking before I went to bed how horrible it is going to be when I go home and have to wash all these clothes.
9. I started a diet yesterday...............and I eat 8 hersheys truffles yesterday too.
10. I feel so sorry for my husband or anybody having to work outside. I got cold at work yesterday and put a sweater on.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Quote of the day
(Addison and I are sitting in the chair talking back to Taylor cooing and grins.)
Mom......."Taylor, Taylor, my cute little boy"
Addison......"Brother Brother aw aw"
Mom................"Taylor look at moma, hey Taylor"
Addison............"Brother look at Becky moma"
Funny to hear Addison say that I am Becky. She has been calling me Becky for a while now. It comes and goes like her moods.
Addison is truly a daddy's little girl. Reed and Add have their own "THING" its hard to describe it. They could literally sit for hours together in the recliner with one another. They chase each other around the kitchen, then go play tea set. Its such a cute little thing to watch. So this shirt truly captures her feelings.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Lovin It
After what seemed like a long wait, I finally have my camera back. Thank goodness. I go back to work in 4 more days after a long 10 week maternity leave. Sad that I will not be able to hold Taylor all day long. Even more sad that Addison and I can't have our little hair sessions everyday. Taylor has grown so much over the last 10 weeks, that has been the most exciting part, him going from 5lbs when we left the hospital to the 13 almost 14 lbs he is now.
Children are addictive aren't they!
So my little TaTa has a friend. His name we don't know, but he sure does like him alot. Every morning while I am fixing Add's breakfast, Taylor visits his friend in Addison's crib. He is the cutest thing every, he coos, giggles, kicks his chunky little thighs silly while watching his little mobile go round and round.

Silly whatever you are!
Children are addictive aren't they!
So my little TaTa has a friend. His name we don't know, but he sure does like him alot. Every morning while I am fixing Add's breakfast, Taylor visits his friend in Addison's crib. He is the cutest thing every, he coos, giggles, kicks his chunky little thighs silly while watching his little mobile go round and round.
Isn't he is dreamy!
Silly whatever you are!
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