After what seemed like a long wait, I finally have my camera back. Thank goodness. I go back to work in 4 more days after a long 10 week maternity leave. Sad that I will not be able to hold Taylor all day long. Even more sad that Addison and I can't have our little hair sessions everyday. Taylor has grown so much over the last 10 weeks, that has been the most exciting part, him going from 5lbs when we left the hospital to the 13 almost 14 lbs he is now.
Children are addictive aren't they!
So my little TaTa has a friend. His name we don't know, but he sure does like him alot. Every morning while I am fixing Add's breakfast, Taylor visits his friend in Addison's crib. He is the cutest thing every, he coos, giggles, kicks his chunky little thighs silly while watching his little mobile go round and round.

Isn't he is dreamy!

Silly whatever you are!
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