Thursday, December 11, 2008


How I love the Holiday season. But how busy it makes me and my family. I totally miss my blog, but its been a busy busy time. I have some exciting things to share but they will have to wait a snippet.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Loves Him Not

After all the rain Saturday this was the view from our back porch.

That same evening Reed killed a deer, as you can see he is extrememly happy. That big smile is quite rare, in pictures he usually gives the one lipped elvis thing.

My little baby boy was so peaceful the other morning, so I had to snap his little picture.

Add is the best big sister sometimes. In this picture she is trying to teach him to crawl.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tagged For You

Now I must relay to my family & friends this random information about myself. Feel free to sit back, relax and judge me.

Four things I did today…
1. Drove 1 hr to get to work (my moms, daycare, and then Community)
2. Wrote a 400 word essay about Contemporary Literary Criticisms.
3. Called david and compelled him to feel bad for me because I had a headache.
4. Listened to Keith Urbans New Song "Sweet Thing"

Four things on my to do list…
1. Buy me some smaller pants
2. Fix my lunch...instead of going out for the 15th day in row to eat lunch out.
3. go to target get add a red dress for pics tomorrow @ school
4. Actually clean out one box in my garage

Four of my guiltiest pleasures…
1. Eating all sweets (literally ALL)
2. Buying the kiddos clothes (gymborre is such a easy way to spend my paycheck plus more)
3. Sleeping in. There are few things I like to do more in life than sleep. Words cannot describe how much I love to sleep especially when my little boy is laying beside me.
4. Gossips magazines, PerezHilton

Four random facts about me…
1. I bite my nails. Always have. Ask my mother.
2. My car is horribly gross, like coffee cups, old food crumbs, seriously embrassing
3. I am currently carrying two purses because I am to lazy to clean out the other one.
4. I invent words all the time and when used in proper context the listener usually knows exactly what I mean although they hate to admit it. ahem. natasha

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ten On Tuesday

1. Baby Taylor can say one word....."MaMa" Yes "MaMa". Its amazing a small 4 letter word can make a heart melt so quickly.

2. We moved, its official we are now at 2049 Sontag Road.

3. Since our move we haven't gotten internet except but in one room. At work I moved to a different office so its a little diffcult to navigate the internet while being paid to work with three other individuals in the office with you. So I have not been able to check my blogs I would usually check daily super sad. Amys & Lindsay & Another Amy So much to do little time

4. I have been able to update my blog since halloween. My little kiddos were the cutest. We trick or treated three places, Aunt Autys, Grandama Teresa's, and Aunt Lisas. Add was a little cheerleader while Taylor was a T-Rex. Add was not a happy camper until she got hand out candy at Aunt Lisa's.

5. I have been given a great oppurtunity Dr. McCreedy professor at Ferrum College has graciously pinned me to be his mentor. I am super elated, excited, amazed, and just feeling the best that I am able to learn so much from his grand photography skills. I have so much to learn and I am glad I am getting started on the right foot. Hopefully this will jump start something!

6. My blue eyed baby nephew Avery turned the big 4 on November 1st, he is seriously the most handsomest little baby their every was. He is the sweetest little booger.

7. Reed & I are somewhat OCD. Our little girl is truly OCD. This was the other night.

8. My little boy has 4 teeth. Nursing him is truly ouchie!

9. Addison started day care last Wednesday. My whole body shakes as I carry her in every morning for the past 8 days. She has cried for the last 3 days, which makes me wanna pick her up and run away. I would like to sit in the classroom all day long, make the other children be her friend. Just makes me sad!!!

10. Everyday Addy says a new phase that is sooooooooooooooooo cuttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeee.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Much Fun We Be Having

Trying to make taylor learn how to crawl. He is a lazy baby what my mom calls a lap baby.

My sweet boy.

Yes addison is making muffins all by herself......yes she is naked from the waist down. She is in potty training mode sorry.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just a Small Town

Just a small town girl going to Homecoming in a gorgeous dress and the most perfect shoes ever.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Flashback Friday

So its flashback Friday. I really need to get back into the routine of doing this everyday. Addy my little baby back then was so sweet, now we have hit the terrible two's. She has been a little hard to handle lately.

Addison was almost a year old in this picture brushing her teeth.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

4 years

It all started in science class in 2000. Who would have guessed it, 8 years later, 4 years married and 2 kids. The kids we were back then. Its amazing how time flies when your having fun. Our hopes, dreams, admirations, the things we sit up late at night talking about are coming true one by one.

Four years today we stood in Hodgesville Church saying our I do's. I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. From the little things we have in common ("No tomatoes please") or the not so in common things it makes us work. Two and half years ago we had a precious little girl Addison Reed who is such a beautiful soul who resembled her daddy in many ways with her crooked smile til recently she resembles more of me. How happy we were with our little family. Then unexpectly we were given our little boy Zack Taylor who illuminates our eyes. He is our little man, who is happy wherever he goes tagging along.

Its funny we have morphed into our into perfect matches. I love you more and more each day!

Thanks for working so hard on our home.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ten on WedTuesDay

So it's really suppose to be 10 on Tuesday but was super busy last night couldn't do it.

1. How great is it that we live in this amazing country. Even more great is that we will hopefully have a female vice president. Super exciting!
2. If Addy's papa (Zack....Taylor namesake) could put a wall of cushion double padded of course, someone to stand beside in front, behind, and to the sides of addison he would. He is slightly overprotective, it kinda of funny and very goodhearted. So yesterday while she was playing he told to be very very very careful. This pose below makes PAPA a little anxious.

4. Warning!!! Do not ever buy a Chrysler Town & County piece of junk. Our van has had everything from window buttons to starters broken on it. Last week was nothing different.

"two whites don't make a right" :)

You notice the masking tape on the front of the van Add said she was fixing it by putting the tape on the bumper.

5. Tomorrow I go to court for my big speeding ticket I received exactly a month ago in North Carolina. So bright & early I will rise to make my way down to plead my case.

6. Judy (my office buddy) & I started weight watchers optimistically 3 weeks ago. Well we lost a total yes TOTAL of 6 oz together in 2 weeks. Needless to say we both went out and celebrated with potatoes & butter for me and Mexician for Judy.

7. Fall is by far my most fav time of the year. The beauty of falls slowly turning different shades of reds, greens, and browns.

8. Thank goodness good tv is back this week. Finally something besides reality shows.

9. My little boy is 6 months old. This picture below was from outside the other night. Isn't it funny how everything and anything can be wrong with a baby or a child. The second you take them outside the world becomes joyful, quiet, like a button is turned on.

10. A death of a child is hard to comprehend, to come to grips with. I could not imagine the pain, the unbearable pain the heart would have to hold. A little baby boy died of SIDS who was close to my sister on Monday. I just could not get it off my mind this is something real that could happen to my little boy. My little boy scary! So through out the next several weeks and months every time I look, touch, laugh, feed, wake up @ 3am I am not going to complain. I am going to think of that entire family who will not have their first christmas with their little boy, not be able to plan his big 1st birthday party, or not going to be able to use the final 3 diapers of size 2before moving up to the big boy 3's.

Tomorrow is not promised. Hope, when combined with my faith, has always provided the fuel to move forward and be filled with peace.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I like when we’re home together.

I like the first words you say to me are i missed you moma.

I like when we run to the potty we do the shake your booty dance.

I like when we're home together.

I like waking up at 2am rubbing your tummy to make sure your still breathing.

I like even though you just spit up a gallon of milk mixed with pears on me & you, you smell like a sweet baby.

I like at night before we go to bed you ask me "lay side me".

I like just out of the blue you start acting like a frog "ribbit ribbit."

I like when we're home together.

I like how I have been blessed three times with Reed, Addison, and Baby Taylor.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This Is For Katie

For Katie


When I look at my kids Addison & Taylor they remind me of what a miracle life is. What makes the world go round for Reed & I. As I am sitting here typing this sipping my chilled coffee with more cream than coffee, I can only think of how wonderful it is to have them.

Yesterday as I was nursing Taylor I was picking at cradle cap, cleaning the ear wax out of his ears, and thinking I should have gotten the toe nails crippers to trim his up. I thought to myself I am like a monkey, you know one of those the pick at themshelves and eat what they pick off of them. Funny huh!

Yesterday at the new house we were just sitting around being lazy, and Taylor was being giggly.

I am feeling anxious, my gorgeous niece Margo is getting married next year, to a Northern. I say that with humor. So this past Saturday we went wedding dress shopping. That lasted a good little bit, Taylor was the best little boy. He loved looking the mirror, and then he just feel right to sleep as we watched Margo try on her millionth dress. I wish my thighs looked as cute as his chunky like that.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Go Team Go

My beautiful Niece Katie is a Franklin County Middle School Cheerleader. I could not have been more excited the night that she called and said she had made the team. We love her dearly at my house. She is such the cheerleader. And that pretty young lady has a birthday coming up in 20 days.

Taylor baby could careless.

This picture below is the answer to my dearest missed friend Tracy. Who asked why don't I ever see your husband in your blog. Thats why.......because you say cheese he makes a goofy smile. Addison does make the picture so pretty though.

Just For Fun

I AM … lucky to be so blessed in my life.
I WANT… a Grohe Faucet.
I KEEP … talking NonStop
I WISH I COULD … .have six more kids....come'on Honey! *wink*
I HATE … waking up in the morning.
I FEAR … losing those I love most.
I HEAR … Donuts calling Becky Becky
I DON’T THINK …. I'll ever weigh 135 again(see the above comment)
I REGRET … building our new house....I wish I had gotten to stay at home
I LOVE …snuggling with my children, hearing them giggle, Starbucks, and Birthdays
I AM NOT … the best cook
I DANCE … like your typical white girl
I SING …kiddie tunes morning noon and nite
I NEVER … skip a meal....are you kidding me?
I RARELY …get anywhere on time
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … my kids be so very happy
I AM NOT ALWAYS … right but shh dont tell my husband
I HATE THAT … I have to eat twice as much to balance out my hips.
I’M CONFUSED ABOUT … almost everything
I NEED … relax mor often visit starbucks daily
I SHOULD … shut my mouth more often

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Weekend

Happy Birthday Mitch. We went to a cookout for my nephew Mitch's Bday party. Isn't my youngest nephew Avery the cutest most handsome boy you have ever seen. You can't see it in the pic but he has the most dreamst (don't know if thats a word) eyes you have ever seen. He is a little bugger though.*Oldest to Youngest* Katie, Kenzie, Avery, and Add

We went to the zoo for Labor Day.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Take Pic Of Me

Litte Miss Sunshine. She is the bestest little big girl. Its amazing when I look at pictures from last August til now. Add is coming into her own. She can count to 13, sing numerous songs (the wheels on the bus is her fav). Add loves to have pics taken of her. Especially when she is doing something she shouldn't be doing. Her smile makes the world go round for her daddy and I.

"Moma look Moma look at me in Taylors swing, take picture moma"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Halloween & 5 Months

Halloween came a little early at our house yesterday. Add wanted to paint her nails and she sure did paint her nails, she also painted her arm, leg, and her bedroom floor. Now wasn't just the regular pink nail polish, it was the black glitter orange halloween nail polish. Needless to say it took a little while to get it off.
My little boy ain't so little no more. He is 5 months and 2 days old. Sad Sad makes me wanna cry and just hold him all day long and just stare at him. Reed has been having a little fit to cut a long piece of hair on taylors head. If you look closely in the pic you can see it. Of course I won't let him. It kinda funny because Add had a stray hair also when she was about his age.

He is just plain handsome. My little man.

Wanna say Congrats to my little big neice Kenzie she made the softball team. She is a great catcher and team player. Proud of ya GIRL!

I wish I had a pic of my niece Katie who recently made the cheer squad in her skimpy little cheerleader "shirt." Maybe by next post I will have that.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Guess where I went last night?

You guessed it "The Halls". My sister in law asked me if I would photograph her little family which includes "G" short for Giles the cat. Sidney the newest addition a big little puppy. We had such a great time taken pics. And as you can see the pictures turned out wonderful everyone is so pretty.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My Mom is it very rare you catch this smile from mom. Isn't she pretty!
My baby hanging out. This is the only way he is happy with Daddy holding him.
The back of our house.
Addison room from the hallway reed calls it pepto bismol.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday America

My birthday came first the good ole 25th. Last Sunday was Reed’s birthday, Tuesday was my Dad's birthday, then earlier this month was Paula’s (the bestest SIL in the world.) I won't say how old she'll be as she's likely to reach over and smack me if I do. ;) Its going to be a great year. We should have a great big party. Maybe once our house gets down we will have big party for all the birthdays this month.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guess What

Tay lor had cereal on Sunday. He seemed excited to have something different than the boobie. My little boy is just cute.

Of course Add had to help feed him, she did very good. He kinda liked her feeding him better than myself. Isn't Add's curls just fancy.